
A collection of papers I submitted for my undergraduate degree at King’s College London.

Filename Module Title
4SSG1011_CW4_1931393.pdf Principles of Geographical Inquiry Is there a correlation between place attachment towards London markets and the spatial distance from it?
5SSG2059_CW3_1931393.pdf Foundations of Spatial Data Science Is there a correlation between more education and accessibility to public transport in London?
5SSG2061_CW2_1931393.pdf Geographical Research Skills Selection of solar energy farms in central-west Texas
5SSG2063_CW1_1931393.pdf BA Research Tutorials Has urbanisation caused a greater discrepancy in the translation of votes won to parliamentary seats in the UK?
6SSG0610_CW1_1931393.pdf Independent Geographical Study (dissertation) Evaluating the algorithms used in site suitability analysis: an open source implementation for photovoltaic solar farms in Arizona
6SSG3040_CW1_1931393.pdf Directed Readings Railway network design and transfers in Greater Tokyo and London
6SSG3077_CW2_1931393.pdf Applications of Spatial Data Science Comparative public bus transportation network and accessibility analysis: a case study for Greater London and Hong Kong

Source code are available for most of them, contact me to request. It will be licensed under GPLv3+.

The source code for the IGS (6SSG0610_CW1_1931393.pdf) is at site-suitability.

The source code for the Applications of Spatial Data Science paper (6SSG3077_CW2_1931393.pdf) is at network-and-accessiblity-analysis


CC BY SA (GPL equivalent for text)